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Group Meetings

We found out we could customise the meeting background (Spot Joud and I)

Links to project documents:

The dynamic of our group for this project was simple since we'd worked together with the same roles before, everyone was familiar with their responsibilities and able to work on their part both independently and together. This was essential since Joud had to work and communicate remotely for the majority of this year due to her Olympic ski training.

Google and Zoom have an hour time limit on how long meetings can be for free so we had to start new ones every so often.

Before making our task list, we used Miro at Tadej's suggestion. This gave us a space to make a mind map of all the things that would make up our game and what steps those would branch out into. From there, we were able to organise them into a to-do list, setting deadlines, priority levels, and progress status on Unfortunately, our free trial ended so Joud had to move our task list to Notion which had a similar layout.

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